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Old 12-25-2006, 06:04 PM
disappearingdan_akaplaya's Avatar
disappearingdan_akaplaya disappearingdan_akaplaya is offline
Gulfstream Park
Join Date: May 2006
Location: chicago
Posts: 1,217

as some have said here state bred races are highly unpredictable most of the time! lol dont believe me just watch alotta these ILL bottom mcl's. to use a battery effectively there are alotta ways it can be done. to most likely have any chance of being effective the horse has to be schooled with it in the morning, keep in mind a battery is illegal anywhere on track grounds. you know how many horses are schooled with a battery in the morning but the rider doesnt carry1 in the afternoon at the races for the horse? you ask well then how can the rider implement the battery in the race without actually carrying on? well sometimes just digging a fingernail into the the horses neck or using a buckle will make the horse believe its being hit with the battery like it was in the morning. last but least if you really wanna see some jocks with batteries just watch QH racing, them boys are double barreled with the zappers LOL
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